The Art Fly

Beach stones in wood (detail)

Posted on by Norine

Detail of a wood mosaic
Materials: “waves” are poplar wood painted in blue glazes; “beach stones” are natural woods of cedar, poplar, spalted maple

This is a detail of a larger mosaic, based on one of my favorite themes. It grew naturally from my Meditations series of paintings and silverpoint drawings. This work will be part of an online exhibit called “Off the Floor” through Crafthaus. I’ll post the full image here next month when that show is up and running.

As you’ve seen on my blog and website, I love working in 3 mediums, but I will say that working in multi-media does have its pros and cons. The most difficult is the energy and time involved in marketing. The most rewarding is exploring a particular theme over multi-media: via a paintbrush, a silverpoint stylus, or in the case of my wood mosaics, a band saw – and being sensitive to each medium.

Email me if you have any questions about my work. Thanks for visiting!

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