Oil Painting 2.75×2.75″ panel This painting is SOLD. Please see the other “egg” posts on my blog of Nov. 22 and Aug. 27.
Monthly Archives:: December 2008
“Ice-clad Beach Stones”
Photograph Lots of the beach stones I collect are sitting on a wall outside my studio. After a recent ice and snowstorm I stepped outside and slid across the walk to take some photos of them enrobed in ice, like these!
“Fallen Bell”
Silverpoint Drawing 4×6″ gray-green prepared paper Did you know that silverpoint pre-dates the pencil as a drawing medium and reached its height during the Renaissance? This drawing was done with a silver stylus on paper that I prepared with a gray-green tone and heightened with white charcoal. The silver lines will tarnish over time to… Read more »
“Karin’s Boots”
Oil Painting 6×6″ bevel-edge panel “Karin’s Boots” is based on a photo from Different Strokes From Different Folks blog, where artists are encouraged to work creatively, not slavishly, from a photograph that is posted every two weeks. It’s very interesting to see the same thing through the eyes of another! To the buyer: This painting… Read more »
“The Thunderer”
Silverpoint Drawing 4.5×6.5″ gray-blue prepared paper I find some of my favorite things to draw at flea markets: bells, lots of unusual tools, whistles! This beauty is called The Thunderer. It works great! This was drawn with a silver stylus on a prepared gray-blue tone heightened with white charcoal. A drawing rendered with silver wire… Read more »
Oil Painting 6×6″ bevel-edge panel “Awakening” is my interpretation of a photo provided by artist Karin Jurick on her Different Strokes From Different Folks blog, where artists are encouraged to work creatively from the photos that she posts. It’s very interesting to see the same thing through the eyes of someone else. This painting is… Read more »
Silverpoint Drawing 5×5″ gray-green prepared paper Did you know that silverpoint pre-dates the pencil as a drawing medium and reached its height during the Renaissance? This drawing was done with a silver stylus; I prepared the paper with a gray-green tone, and heightened the drawing with white charcoal. The lines are actually silver and will… Read more »
Oil Painting 3×3″ bevel-edge panel Does this resemble a brain to you too, or am I thinking too much? SOLD; please email me if you are interested something similar.
“To the Meadow”
Oil Painting 5×7″ panel This scene was at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA – a long wooden bridge to the bright open meadow. Setting up of easels and painting aren’t allowed on the grounds so I did this from a photo and my imagination. If ever you paint from photos, at some point let… Read more »
“Single Bell”
Silverpoint Drawing 5×7″ gray-greenprepared paper Lots of drawing lately – of bells and whistles! I love the negative space of these objects, the dark hollow…more to come. “Single Bell” was drawn with a silver stylus – a drawing medium known as silverpoint, which pre-dates the pencil. This technique was used extensively during the Renaissance era,… Read more »