Monthly Archives:: January 2010

“Shapes of things to come…”

Poplar wood mosaics painted, hand-beveled and sanded These are some shapes I’ve been working on for some of the next mirror frames (see previous posts on these). It’s a tedious process involving lots and lots of sanding. I use the band saw to work out some free-form shapes, then hand-craft with an assortment of home-made… Read more »


Poplar wood mirror frame 24.5×24.5″ dye, paint glazes By now you’ve noticed that I have extensive bodies of work in three mediums: paint, silverpoint, and wood. “Fiesta” is the second in my developing series of fine art mirror frames. All of these are wood mosaics. I painted/dyed poplar wood panels before cutting the disks on… Read more »

“Renaissance Boy”

Silverpoint Drawing 7×5″ pale ocher prepared panel This is an earlier silverpoint drawing from my collection, based on the painting “Head of a Boy” by Signorelli. I’m always trying new ways to use line. Not For Sale yet.


Silverpoint Drawing 7×5″ gray-green prepared paper When I began to work in silverpoint, way back in the ’80s, I selected familiar portraits from the Renaissance period and practiced my technique by copying them. (Silverpoint is a Renaissance-era drawing medium that predates the pencil. A silver wire is inserted in a wooden or metal holder and… Read more »


Oil Painting 8×6″ art panel This portrait is my contribution to the Different Strokes From Different Folks annual portrait swap. Every 2-3 weeks artist Karin Jurick posts a photo on the DSFDF blog. The whole point is to use the photo for reference only, and let your creativity run free.