Posts Tagged: Work in Wood

“Runes, Book 2”

Runes, Book 2  is the second mosaic in my “Runes” series. It measures 14 x 32 x 1.75 inches and is composed of stacked painted poplar, cedar, and mahogany woods. The turquoise tiles show the imprints made by using sections of bamboo as “printing blocks” that are dipped in paint and stamped onto a surface. … Read more »

“Confetti Wrap”

Confetti Wrap is the newest of my “gift-wrapped” mosaics.  It is a complex composition using variations of stacked wood tiles: green-stained wood, paint-flecked wood over metal leaf, and tiny accent pieces scattered throughout. The edges of each piece are hand-shaped and painted with gold mica, as is the “ribbon” that wraps across the panel. This panel… Read more »

“Forest Wrap”

Forest Wrap is a recent labor of love. I used the twisted branches found on my nature walks as the “wrap” that embraces the “forest” of walnut, cherry, mahogany, and cedar tesserae. I work intuitively, so the patterns are not pre-planned, I simply allow space for things to unfold naturally. Each of the pieces in… Read more »

Mosaic “Wraps”

I had the idea to create these mosaic “wraps” a few years ago, and had even begun to experiment with cutting “ribbons” from poplar; the ribbons were meant to overlap at a point, and wrap around a deep wood panel. Well, I finally revisited this idea! I spent much of the Summer working on them… Read more »

2016 American Bamboo Society Arts & Crafts Award!

I’m so happy to report that I’ve received the 2016 Craft award from the American Bamboo Society! The American Bamboo Society Arts & Crafts Competition (ABS) is held online every two years to celebrate bamboo in craft, design, fine art, literature, and the performing arts. This year I submitted 14 sculptural bamboo mosaics to the competition, work that I’ve created… Read more »


Wood Mosaic (mirror frame) 29×29″ poplar, cherry, mahogany, walnut Every year New Hope, PA has a national juried Works in Wood exhibition at the Arts Center. “Currents” is one of two Fine Art Mirror Frames that I submitted; both were accepted. Read about it here. This is the fifth year of Works in Wood and… Read more »