The Art Fly

2012 American Bamboo Society – Honorable Mention Award

Posted on by Norine

That’s me with broken arm pointing to the appropriate passage in my bamboo labyrinth. Photo is courtesy of my good friend, Bucks County photographer Joseph Zogorski.

My bamboo works-in-progress are on hold until my radius is healed and strengthened. Consolation prize: Thrilled to report that I’ve received an Honorable Mention award by the 2012 American Bamboo Society Arts & Crafts Awards Competition. There will be an article about my bamboo mosaics in a future issue of Bamboo magazine. I’ll keep you up on that!

For now I’ll be continuing to do landscape paintings with my non-dominant left hand, and some right hand use. It’s pretty amazing how much muscle control you could develop quickly, by simply working them; not without pain though! From wood mosaics, to silverpoint drawings, to paintings – I consider myself fortunate to be able to turn to any of these forms of expression when I want to – or need to.

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